Sunday, March 25, 2007

Catch me

Catch me when I fall. I have gone too far up it’s futile to climb my way back down, each step secure but slow. I WILL fall - hard and strong.

I need you to catch me when I plummet down the never-ending floors of recklessness, deceit and pride, each level seeking to break my fall mid-way so I could once again reside in their confusion. I shall plunge head-down to crack these fearful, crippling thoughts. I shall leap with arms outstretched, clutching nothing from my past life but the garments it endowed me with. Garments of deep realizations and painful insights – these I struggle now to wear and tear, wringing them of every last drop of meaning, losing as much unneeded load as I could off them before that inevitable jump.

Jump - down to where humility and grace are beds of comfort for the weary warrior of the world. I shall rest with you after I wage my battles. Some of them I would have won, some I would have lost. When I’m finally down with you, the tally won’t matter. I would have been with you, and I would have won anyhow.

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