Sunday, March 25, 2007

Be Still

Lazy Sunday Afternoon

What is life but a series of circumstances that present themselves before us, raw and unassuming? We either embrace them or retreat from them, all the time declaring ourselves worthy or unworthy of the good things that come our way. Happiness itself is a decision, a never-ending endeavour to define and redefine ourselves amidst the milieu. It is but waiting to be allowed entry, to commence the slow but steady clearing of dreary clouds and cast itself ubiquitously over the littlest nooks and crannies of our lives. It expects little of us, simply to request that we be still. For such is the nature of a restless mind – its constant quiver drowns out rising melodies from our hearts and silences our spirits.

So be still. In serenity, you could root yourself in the never-ending tide of goodness and beauty, emanating from the most unexpected of people, in the harshest of places, at the most inopportune times. Embrace these as they come, without apologies, without guilt. It is life’s wish for you to own happiness and tread the world with light steps.

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